• SANDWICHED between two spells of very wet weather, the dog show held on the Town Green was blessed with glorious sunshine and sizzling temperatures. Lots of people turned up and contributed to the grand total of over £1000 as well as having fun. The money will go towards the fund set up to cover legal costs for the campaign to save the Town Green presently being conducted by the Protection Society for Markham and Little Francis.

The show was sponsored by Snipegate Boarding Kennels and featured 10 classes including Best Golden Oldie, Oddest Pair and Fastest Sausage Eater.

Each event was sponsored by a local business or individual.

Linzi Johnson acted as judge. The list of winners is too long to publish here. Suffice it to say a good number of pets went home happily bearing trophies of rosettes and prizes.

There were plenty of other attractions to keep pets and owners occupied while waiting their turn, including a stall of mouth watering home made cakes, music, games and various side stalls of canine interest manned by local pet suppliers.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed towards the success of this community event.

  • LOCAL residents recently handed in a long line strung with response postcards at the Council offices on North Quay, stating reasons why they feel Markham and Little Francis should not be considered as a greenfield site suitable for development.

This open space is greatly valued by local walkers and is also designated as having importance as a landmark, as well as being a vital wildlife corridor between the town reserves and the Jurassic coastline. There is an additional concern about the potential risk to low lying adjacent housing areas at the foot of the hillside between Westham and Wyke which are already vulnerable to flooding in heavy downpours.

  • JOHN AND Karen Pearce of Alfs fish and chip shop continue to raise money to finance coach trips for local people who find it hard to get out and about under their own steam. Next month the couple have arranged a trip to the Sealife Centre. There is a donations box at the shop at Fiveways for those who would like to help make this and other such treats possible.