WESTHAM councillor Gill Taylor confessed that she never thought she'd get excited about a dog poo bin.

Having got nowhere with previous requests for one to be installed at the entrance to Markham and Little Francis fields, she and many who use this open space are thrilled that after yet another recent request, a large bin for dog poo has now appeared at the Markham Avenue entrance.

GILL is also excited that on Friday, September 4, she will be taking her stand on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square between 1pm and 2pm, dressed as the Green Man.

She will be highlighting the threat from developers to village and town greens across England and Wales.

Gill is chairman of the Society for the Protection of Markham and Little Francis, the registered charity fighting a case in the High Court to protect the status of the town green in Weymouth.

The developer who purchased this is now trying to remove its protected status.

If this attempt is not successfully challenged, the public will lose their legal right to roam this open space and enjoy this wildlife haven.

The society's long term aim is to work with the landowner to enhance the wildlife habitat on the green and to encourage individuals and groups to use it for legal recreational purposes.

Gill applied to stand on the London plinth some time ago.

She said: "I was very surprised and honoured to get the email allocating me a place as so many people have applied.

"To get an hour on a Friday lunchtime is more than I could have hoped for.

"I'm hoping to take a few people from the society to support me.

"We have been looking for ways to get as much publicity as we can for the town green and our cause.

"These pieces of land are very important in a country where more and more land is being used for development and less space is left for recreational purposes and wildlife."

WESTHAM community youth forum acts as a voice for Westham’s young people and seeks to promote good relationships between the different generations in the community.

The group manned a stall on the sea front on carnival day and raised £620.

It has not yet been decided what the money will be used for but ideas will be discussed at the open meeting to be held at 6.30pm at St Paul's Parish Centre, Abbotsbury Road on Thursday, September 10.

A big thank you from the organisers to everyone who helped on the day, donated items and came along to look at the stall.

Anyone wanting to join or help the forum in any way should telephone Ryan Hope on 07787999187.

WEYMOUTH area's senior forum will next meet in St Paul's Parish Centre, Abbotsbury Road, on Tuesday, September 15, from 2pm to 4pm.

Over 50's from all over Weymouth are welcome to attend.

There will be guest speakers from Health Networks and LINks.

As well as the speakers, there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

There will also be a raffle and refreshments.