THERE was a Public Meeting with Jim Knight MP on Friday, October 23 to discuss houses of multiple occupancy, which was well attended by the residents.

After a lot of discussion it was encouraging to hear that the Borough Council have a policy committee looking at ways of improving the bad HMO’s and we all look forward to see the results and an improvement in the way the Council deals with problem houses.

‘YES, I will write in’, it s amazing how many times I hear this from residents that I talk to around the area about many topics.

In the past i.e. the Sex Shop, everybody told me that they had written in against it and at the committee meeting for their licence, when I raised this their lawyer, said oh yes you meaning me and two others. It does not help our case when we are relying on everybody to support the Forum and Pact.

HOWEVER, now it is even more important for residents take up their pens and write to Dorset County Council regarding the changes in the traffic flow along Kings Street and into the Park Area.

The Council are holding an exhibition at the Park Community Centre, Chelmsford Street tomorrow, Wednesday, November 4, 1.30pm-7.30pm.

We hope every resident will go along to look, listen and ask questions. This will affect us all in the long run.

I was disappointed to see the comment, ‘Well these proposals might give some inconvenience to the residents of the Park Area, but it is for the good of people attending the Olympics and visitors to the town.’

Well pardon me, but we live here all year round and our thoughts, concerns and wishes should be the prime concern.

So residents we now need you to write in after you have been to the exhibition or read the plans.

TIME flies and the Waterside Luncheon Club are looking forward to our Christmas Lunch at the Railway Tavern on Wednesday, December 2.

More details later.

Before that we are at Cafelicious, St Thomas Street, on Wednesday, November 4.