A WOMAN who devoted her life to educating and raising children has been fondly remembered by her husband.

Diana Scott was born on St Helena, in the South Atlantic, in June 1935 and came to Weymouth in 1955 to begin a teacher training course.

While on the course she met her future husband Stuart at a dance in the town and they courted for the next two years.

Stuart, now 76, recalls going dancing, walking and swimming with her on dates.

Diana gained work experience at schools in Dorchester while studying, and returned to St Helena to teach after qualifying.

She and Stuart stayed in touch and he went to visit her in January 1958.

Stuart, now of St Helen’s Road, Weymouth, said: “It was all a bit of a gamble because we weren’t engaged, but I went out there and popped the question.

“She was a darling and had other suitors, but she agreed to marry me.”

The couple married at St Matthew’s Church on the island in May 1958 and honeymooned in a cottage on Francis Plains.

Stuart, who had taken six months’ special leave from his job as a postman, returned home after the honeymoon, followed a few months later by Diana.

The couple lived together for just under a year in a flat on Weymouth seafront before Diana fell pregnant with first child Martin.

The couple moved to a flat in Spa Road in the town and Diana got a job teaching at a school in Weymouth a few months before having Martin.

The couple took on their first mortgage on a property in Gallwey Road, Wyke Regis in 1959.

They went on to have three more children, Annette, Ian and Graham.

Diana’s health began to suffer in later life and she moved into the Traflagar care home in Dorchester Road, Weymouth, two years ago. Stuart visited her most days as did their eldest son Martin, who also now lives in Dorchester Road.

Stuart added: “She was my angel and a lovely, lovely person.”

Diana, who passed away last month aged 74, leaves behind Stuart, their children and eight grandchildren.