A YOUNG musician is urging others to take up an instrument and change their lives.

Dorset’s Music Service (DMS) is looking for school age musicians to join one of their countywide groups and ensembles.

These include Dorset Youth Orchestra, Wind Orchestra, Senior String Orchestra, Concert Band, Junior String Orchestra, Jazz Orchestra and Youth Training Jazz Orchestra.

Ellie Greenslade, 17, of Spa Road, Weymouth, plays the trumpet and started in the Dorset Youth Concert Band almost five years ago.

She has since moved up to the Wind Orchestra and has just secured a place in the Dorset Youth Orchestra.

Ellie, who is currently studying for her A-levels, said: “I’d encourage anyone to join a group because it is a really good experience.

“It not only improves your musical performance but your social skills.

“I also like it because it is nice to play in a big group as you feel like you’re part of something.”

Head of Dorset Music Service David Kenyon said the music groups meet for day rehearsals and residential courses under the direction of some of the best musicians and educators in Dorset.

He said: “With concerts in places as varied as the Lighthouse in Poole and the Royal Albert Hall, our students enjoy memorable experiences every year.

“We have vacancies across most of our groups and are looking for more young musicians to join us.”

County groups are open to all school age musicians who attend a Dorset, Poole or Bournemouth school or live in the county.

It is not necessary to have taken the grades specified for each group, however applicants do need to have achieved that standard of playing.

For more information call 01258 457480 or visit www.dorsetfor you.com/music.