MEMBERS of the Ivy Club in Maiden Newton have been busy preparing shoeboxes with gifts for new born babies in Fiji.

Many mothers arrive in hospital to give birth without having anything prepared, so they are always delighted with the little knitted garments, toys, hairbrushes, blankets and toiletries.

We are very grateful to this dedicated band of supporters that has been helping us now for many months and in particular to Margaret Lloyd for keeping the team in order and co-ordinating everything!

  • WE WILL REMEMBER THEM. There will be an exhibition in St Mary’s Church, Frampton, open daily (10am until 4pm) throughout November.

The exhibition will include information relating to the men listed on the church memorial plaques who gave their lives during WWI and WWII

  • THE MELBURY Team Choir is now preparing for Carol Services.

If you would like to join this informal group of singers (no auditions and no pressure), you will be very welcome.

Please give Graham a call on 01300 320284 or send an email to in order to find out more.

  • THE NEXT Maiden Newton Poetry Evening is planned for 7pm on Wednesday, November 11 at Annie and Gordie’s house in Higher Frome Vauchurch (Tel 01300 320240).

This time the theme will be WWI poets and their poetry.

Corned beef hash followed by tinned peaches and Carnation milk (the food of the trenches) will be served during the interval.

  • THERE will be an Open Meeting of the Cattistock and District Homewatch at 7pm on Thursday, November 12 in the Savill Hall, Cattistock.

All members are urged to attend.

The Dorset Police PCSO for the area and staff from Weymouth Police Messaging Unit will be at the meeting to explain about the work of the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

  • IMPACT is the name given to a series of ladies’ lunches.

Come along and enjoy an informal lunch in stimulating company and explore the impact of Christian faith in the lives of a diverse range of speakers. You can come alone or bring a friend.

The first lunch is to be held on Thursday, November 12 at the Acorn Inn in Evershot.

The cost for a ploughman’s lunch is £5.

If you would like to book a place, please contact Jill Newman on 01935 83205 or 07966227020. The organisers of IMPACT are Deborah Batten, Nicola Butler, Jill Newman, Sheelagh Rennie and Celia Tomkins.

  • MELBURY Osmond Garden and Show Society is holding its AGM on Friday, November 13 at 7.15pm in Melbury Osmond Village Hall.

Do come along to hear about the amendments to the show schedules. The AGM will be followed at 8pm by ‘Colour in the Garden’ (12 months of perennial colour), a talk by Neil Lovesey.

Admission is free to members and £2 for non-members. Refreshments will be available.

  • CHRISTMAS comes early to Stratton with a Christmas Fair in the village hall between 10am and 2pm on Saturday November 14.

There will be tea and coffee, mince pies and cake, Christmas stalls, tombola, raffle and (hopefully) Santa’s grotto.

Profits from the event will go in aid of the Dorset Kidney Fund.