STUDENT Katie Chandler is preparing to jet off to Canada on a youth work project.

Katie, 18, from Greenhill in Weymouth, is helping to organise a trip to Kimberley in the Canadian Rocky Mountains for 10 young people from Dorset.

The youths, aged 15 to 20 and from a range of different backgrounds, will develop their communication skills, teamwork and self-esteem on the expedition.

The trip, run by three adults from the Dorset Youth Association and three youth mentors, including Katie, will take the group to youth clubs in the surrounding area to meet young Canadians.

Dave Thompson, director of the Dorset Youth Association, said: "The group will gain some insight into the way of life and the different experiences of young people in Canada.

"They will also gain an in-depth knowledge of how children's services are provided in isolated places - and you can't get much more isolated than the Rockies."

The Dorset Youth Association put Katie forward for a cruise around the Canary Islands with the Dorset Tall Ships Association earlier this year.

She was sponsored by the Guide Association, the Samuel Mico Trust and two individuals, and is extremely grateful for the opportunity they gave her.

During the cruise she was involved in all aspects of the running of the tall ship and developed a strong interest in youth work.

Katie said: "There were a few youth mentors over there and I spoke to them a lot about their work.

"They told me how much you can help people and how rewarding the work is."

The youth mentors have inspired Miss Chandler to get into youth work herself.

She is now aiming to start a degree in youth and community work in September at the University of Liverpool.

She is not yet sure which specific area she would like to specialise in but aspires to work for Dorset Youth Association one day.

The group is working hard to secure funding from organisations such as the lottery but would welcome sponsorship.

To sponsor Katie call Dave Thompson on 01305 262440.