LIB DEM councillors and an MP in Poole have been called to support the election campaign - by the Tory party.

MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole Annette Brooke was shocked when she got home to find an answer machine message from the Conservatives on her phone.

All the more so because she is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), which is supposed to stop "nuisance" calls.

She said: "I've had calls from people who are TPS registered who are really angry about having these unwanted calls.

"I know Lib Dem councillors who have actually been called and asked to cross over the floor."

She said while her party makes calls as part of its election campaign, money and time is spent on researching who has registered with TPS.

The Lib Dems have started a national campaign to stop illegal nuisance calls in the run-up to the General Election, which has now been called for May 5.

Simon Hughes MP, president of the Lib Dems, said: "Members of the public register with the telephone preference service because they don't want to be called at home.

"Conservatives and Labour are now improperly pestering voters by

telephoning them against their will."

A website - - has been set up for voters to register formal complaints when they receive nuisance calls from Labour and Tories.

Fines of £5,000 can be imposed by the Information Commission for abusing the TPS system.

All parties obtain the electoral role to call people to canvas support, but must pay to find out who is TPS registered and update their information.

A Tory party spokeswoman said: "The Conservative party is very thorough and complies with all the codes of conduct and laws surrounding TPS.

"TPS does not stop you making calls for market research."

She also said: "If a Liberal Democrat MP was called it would have been in error."

First published: April 6