A SCHOOL teacher from Christchurch currently serving as a Territorial Army officer in Iraq has appealed to Echo readers to help him give youngsters in the strife-torn country a sporting chance this Christmas.

Brett Bader, 30, a Lieutenant with the Devonshire and Dorset Rifle Volunteers, was posted to Iraq last month and has been assigned to the Duke of Wellingtons Battle Group to work on civil and military co-operation in the British-controlled Shatt al Arab zone in southern Iraq.

With his background as a PE teacher at the Grange School in Somerford, Lt Bader is heading up projects to restore essential services, education, youth and sport in the area around the port of Basra.

He said: "I will be going into a number of the schools in Basra to help improve their facilities and resources. I will be teaching some physical activity at the schools in Arabic."

And in a recent despatch from the desert to the Daily Echo, Lt Bader asked: "Please could we put out an appeal for old sports equipment or stationery to be donated for this cause.

"Some sports national governing bodies and equipment suppliers are sending some donations of equipment out to support this.

"I am asking for more support. If anyone has any old sports equipment or resources they would like to donate it would be greatly appreciated.

"The sooner the better. We are hoping to give some at Christmas and some in February."

Lt Bader can be contacted by writing to Lt Bader 560540, 1DWR CIMIC G9, Shatt Al Arab, BFPO 647

First published: November 18