CAR PARK charges in Dorchester could rise by as much as 30 per cent.

The cost of parking in the county town's long-stay car parks could increase by 30p under the latest proposals from West Dorset District Council.

The move would mean that the cost of parking at the town's market car parks would increase from £1 a day to £1.30 and the cost of parking at Top o' Town car park for the day would increase to £2.80.

The increases are suggested as part of the annual review of car park charges across the whole of West Dorset and go before the environment overview and scrutiny committee on Tuesday.

The committee is being recommended to appoint a member scrutiny committee to consider the suggestions before reporting back to the committee in January.

They will also consider introducing charges for Sunday parking.

A report to the meeting proposes that short-stay parking charges in the town increase by 10p, so the cost of parking for an hour would increase to 70p from 60p.

The report by the council's environmental policy and regeneration manager Hilary Jordan says increases in car park charges are needed to help keep council tax rises in the district down to £8.

She said the suggested increases in Dorchester would also help fund CCTV proposed for the town.

Ms Jordan said: "The revenue costs could be supported through further increases in parking charges - 5p per ticket - and the capital costs should also be covered through the additional increase of a further 5p per ticket."

She said the suggested increase in charges includes the money to fund CCTV.

If the committee backs the recommendation for a members scrutiny committee to investigate the charges they will be asked to report back in January, when details of consultation with parish councils on the proposals will be also be available.

Any changes would come into force after April next year.