Dorchester'S world-class town crier could soon be back on the streets.

Internationally renowned crier Alistair Chisholm says he is considering a comeback after traders in the county town rallied round to encourage him to return.

His comments came after a meeting of the town's chamber of trade decided unanimously to support the former national champion crier and establish a fund to pay for him.

He said: "I'm delighted that the chamber is thinking along these lines. It's very encouraging indeed.

"I spent time as crier trying to promote the town because there's so much more to Dorchester that people miss out on.

"To have the chamber thinking that I was doing quite well for Dorchester and thinking about supporting me in the role of town crier in a very practical way is extremely encouraging."

Julian Nangle, chamber member and owner of Words Etc, said the town had missed out since it lost its crier.

He said: "In my view he is one of Dorchester's leading assets and a huge attraction to tourists.

"When they see someone of his calibre they go away and tell people how they saw this amazing town crier when they visited Dorchester."

Mr Nangle said he was personally committed to raising at least £5,000 to help to pay for Mr Chisholm and had the full support of the Chamber of Trade.

He said: "The response to my suggestion was unanimous - the whole chamber understands that we should support him. I was delighted by that.

"Money will have to come not just from businesses but from the public as well, who enjoy seeing a national champion crier in action."

Mr Chisholm, a Blue Badge Tourist Guide and five-time national champion crier, hung up his robes in 2003 after saying that there was not enough being done to promote Dorchester to visitors.

He said his disappointment was not the only reason for giving up the role, but it had played a part.

He said: "Should I make the decision to return I will explain why what happened did happen. It wouldn't be fair to say that I packed up simply because I was disillusioned.

"I'm happy to explain if and when the time comes, but now is not the right time."