THE NEW-LOOK Thomas Hardye School choir will perform its first concert in Dorchester on Saturday, November 27.

Formerly known as The Chapel Choir, the ensemble is now known as The Thomas Hardye Singers.

Peter Oakes, the choir's conductor says: "The school has had a Chapel Choir for some years now. The choir has sung in many of the cathedrals around the country. We have also, increasingly, been singing concerts and inviting others to sing with us.

"The 'Chapel Choir' name seemed less and less suitable, so we've changed it to a more general title."

The choir is open to all members of the school, but hopes more staff, parents, former students and friends to sing with it. It will continue to sing some church services, but will concentrate on singing a concert each term.

The performance is in St Mary's Church, Dorchester at 7.30pm on Saturday, November 27. Tickets are £6 plus concessions, available from Nicoll World Travel, High East St (call 01305 263575), The Thomas Hardye School, or at the door.