MORE than 500 people have signed a petition protesting at controversial plans to close a road through Verwood.

County highways chiefs want to close the top section of Manor Road following the opening of the town's new distributor road.

But locals fear the move will kill the heart of their town.

At a special meeting of the town council this week, county highways engineers Matthew Piles and Tony Mackle outlined the proposals, which they said were aimed at enhancing the town centre and reducing traffic congestion.

But Jim Collins, one of several local traders who attended the meeting, felt the county council was ignoring the concerns of businesses and their customers.

"Their plan supposes that the majority of Verwood's residents want to walk around the town centre but we have signatures on a petition signed by over 500 residents stating that they do not want this," he complained.

"Eighty per cent of residents live sufficiently far from the town centre that they need to drive, not walk."

He said traders would suffer if traffic was diverted away from their businesses.

"If a business takes a knock in its turnover, it could be non-viable," he added.

Protesters also claimed there had been no consultation on the proposals.

Mr Mackle said the proposals had always been included in the East Dorset Local Plan.

"We have always had concerns about the Edmondsham Road/Manor Road crossroads and the amount of traffic in the middle of Verwood.

"That's why we needed a distributor road," he added.

A model of the proposals will be on show in the town library from Monday and traders, residents and the town council will be asked for their views.

First published: November 18