BOB Russell has today quit as manager of Screwfix Direct Premier Division Bridport.

The former Yeovil Town defender is leaving St Mary's Field due to increased work commitments.

Russell, who was appointed Bees boss a year ago following Pete Conning's move to Portland United, described his resignation as ' irritating'.

"I'm very disappointed to be leaving," he explained, "and it's not a decision I've taken lightly. But work pressures have been mounting up and something has to give.

"I'm self-employed in the building trade and am currently in the process of setting up another separate business. Doing one job is hard enough but three has proved impossible.

"The danger is that if I try to carry on I'll end up doing three jobs badly and that's simply not a position I want to find myself in."

He added: "It's very frustrating and very irritating that I'm forced to leave Bridport. I've got nothing but praise and respect for the management, players and supporters of the club and I've thoroughly enjoyed my time there.

"It's so annoying that I'm going at a time when results have been poor and we're in the wrong half of the table. I'm only part way through doing the job I set out to do but I've simply run out of time and that's not fair on the club.

"There is no animosity or bad feeling, far from it. It's just one of those unfortunate situations that crop up in semi-professional football. I wish the club all the very best for the future and thank then for a wonderful past 12 months."

Russell, who revealed assistant Kevin Leigh will also be standing down, admitted that whoever replaces him in the Bees hotseat will have a tough job on their hands.

However, he's satisfied that he left a stronger squad than the one he inherited on his appointment last November.

"It took a while to sort things but I'm happy with the players I brought in and feel I'm leaving the playing side of things in better condition than I when I joined," added Russell.

"It's a tough part of the world in which to pick up quality players because it's very laid back along the Dorset coast compared with places like Bristol where life is that much tougher and the new manager is sure to find that restricting.

"But we've done our best and I'm pleased with what Kevin and I have achieved although it is very irritating not to be able to finish the job."

Bridport chairman Barry Williams said he was disappointed to be losing Russell and confirmed that the committee would meet next week to discuss a successor.

He said: "It's a real shame that Bob is going because he's a terrific guy and a very good

manager. But I understand and respect his decision and thank him for all his hard work and commitment to the Bees.

"In the meantime, myself and defender Pete Copeland will take charge for the game at Corsham this weekend and then we'll be getting together to discuss the way forward early next week."

Among those likely to be interested in the

vacancy are Portland assistant boss Micky Greeno, ex-Blues manager Nick Preston and one-time Bees reserve chief Mike Thompson.

Another likely candidate is Conning's former number two at St Mary's Field Barry Lawley who has been out of football since leaving Portland in the summer.