CONTROVERSIAL plans for a supermarket on the site of a former petrol station in Boscombe have been given the green light by civic leaders.

Bournemouth Borough Council's planning board voted in favour of the Tesco Express scheme at Christchurch Road by nine votes to one despite their officers' recommendation to refuse the application.

Members heard how 32 letters of support and four letters of objection had been received concerning the proposals which include three first-floor flats.

Speaking in support of the scheme, local ward councillor Chris Mayne said: "I do not see an adequate reason for the rejection of this plan.

"I can't see it having a detrimental effect on any nearby retailers. We have got plenty of residential development in the area and this would be a marvellous amenity."

But another ward councillor, Mike Everingham, disagreed and supported planning officers' recommendation to refuse permission for the scheme on the grounds that it is contrary to the local plan, "inappropriate for new retail development" and "inappropriate use for this site."

Moving that the proposals be approved, the board's vice-chairman, Councillor Ron Whittaker, said: "The odds are stacked up in support of this application. You can't refuse this for competition reasons - the consumer would gain."

Councillor Fran Ketchley said: "There are a lot of flats being built in this area. Many are social housing for people who don't have cars and will be walking there with their families.

"The small shops in Boscombe have gone and local people don't have a supermarket in the area."

Councillor John Beesley said: "The applicant has gone a long way to satisfying our concerns."

Chairman, Councillor Ken Mantock, said: "This could be argued both ways. The board is taking a view contrary to the officers - that is a healthy thing."

Members agreed to grant the application subject to a raft of conditions including the developer making contributions towards a pedestrian crossing as well as a parking management plan.

First published: November 18