CHILDREN In Need kicks off on Friday with a multitude of events involving hundreds of people from across the area, including a giant baby, Elvis and a bunch of students.

As ever, Pudsey Bear will be going walkabout around Bournemouth and Poole in several guises.

On Friday he will be used as a baton in a relay race staged by social services' finance staff, who are running 20 miles between six day centres, starting at New Century House in Christchurch Rd and finishing in Wick. Spectators may see Elvis donning a pair of trainers along the way.

In Asda the mascot may be found working behind the till at the St Paul's store in Bournemouth.

Staff will be getting in on the action by wearing football shirts of their least favourite teams, as well as challenging shoppers to eat as many jelly tots as they can using chopsticks.

They will also be holding a raffle, for which the first prize is a Cherries away shirt.

In Poole, hypnotherapist Susan Evans from the Hypnotherapy Centre is challenging people to give up smoking in just 60 minutes.

Ms Evans said: "People will be able to get the double benefit of improved health as well as the knowledge that they have raised money for a good cause."

Courses will be run from Marc Young hairdressers in Poole, Fitness First at Fleetsbridge, Body Legends Alternative Therapy Centre in Lower Parkstone and Back in Balance Chiropractor Clinic in Wimborne.

The locals at The Hunters Lodge pub in Ringwood will breathe a sigh of relief that this year they do not have to shave their legs to take part in a beauty contest for men - as in previous years.

Instead the pub is staging a charity auction starting with a music quiz at 7.45pm.

In The Square on Sunday, Bournemouth University students are collecting money by challenging shoppers to guess how many balloons are inside the limo. The nearest guess will win a prize.

Visitors to Sutlers Store in The Triangle will be able to have their picture taken with the Daleks from Doctor Who, in return for a £5 donation.

Lots of individuals have made considerable sacrifices to help Children In Need.

Edna Burden - who will be dressed as a baby - will spend most of Friday stuck in a playpen in front of shoppers at Tower Park. She refuses to throw the dummy out of the cot though - even though she is having her hair shaved off for added effect.

"I try to do something every year. Last year I sat in a bath full of baked beans but I wanted to go a bit further this year. Hopefully I will raise about £200 with help from the public," she said.

Call us on 01202 411280 to let us know how your fund-raising is going on Friday.

First published: November 18