A WEST Moors man woke in horror to find a masked knifeman in his bedroom.

The raider, who was wearing a red monster mask, demanded money and stole an unknown quantity of cash from the 54-year-old's wallet.

Detective Sergeant Stuart Balmer of Ferndown CID said the victim, who lives above his business, had been asleep before discovering the intruder in the bedroom of his first-floor flat in Pinehurst Road.

"The victim was not harmed and during the incident the robber removed his mask."

The offender is white, between 25 and 30 years old, 5 ft 8 ins to 5 ft 10 ins tall with a pale complexion and thin pencil moustache.

DS Balmer said: "Apart from his distinctive moustache the robber was clean shaven and had short black hair which brushed back tight to his head.

"He was wearing blue jeans, a waist-length black coat and pink Marigold-type rubber gloves. The monster mask had fangs and the knife had a brown wooden handle.

"I would like to reassure the public that this type of offence is very rare indeed for the West Moors area."

Police are keen to hear from anyone who spotted the robber running away or heard suspicious activity in the vicinity of the Pinehurst Road parade of shops at around 2 am on Tuesday.

"Someone, somewhere knows or suspects who was responsible for this robbery which was a frightening experience for the victim," added DS Balmer.

Anyone with information should call police in confidence on 01202 222222 or Crime-stoppers on 0800 555 111.

First published: November 18