A POLITICAL storm has erupted in Christchurch council chamber following the defection of two Liberal Democrats to the ranks of the Conservative majority.

Portfield members Lillian Jefferis and Susan Darch have switched their party allegiance barely 18 months after they were elected under the Lib Dem banner.

In a joint statement issued on Monday they said they were "disappointed and disillusioned" by a lack of support from their party colleagues.

But their defection has provoked a furious response from jilted former colleagues and beaten opponents in last year's Portfield poll, who have called for their resignation and a fresh election.

"How let down must those people in Portfield be. If they had wanted a Conservative, they would have voted for one," said Susan Bungey, who finished third in the 2003 poll ahead of both Tory candidates.

And Liberal Democrat deputy leader Cllr Christine Payne said: "Lillian Jefferis has frequently said that councillors or MPs who defect should resign and stand for re-election. Will she act in accordance with her beliefs on this occasion?"

It is the second time veteran hotelier Mrs Jefferis has jumped ship to the Tories.

First elected as a Liberal Democrat in the Twynham ward in 1995, she lost her seat four years later after switching to the Conservatives but bounced back as a Liberal Democrat in May 2003.

Cllr Mrs Darch entered local politics in 2003 in the wake of controversy over the Conservative-controlled council's abortive plans to sell the town's 2 Riversmeet leisure centre to a private operator.

She and Cllr Mrs Jefferis said in a statement: "We were elected by Portfield residents to do our best to represent their interests and to work for the good of Christchurch.

"We feel we can do more for Portfield as part of a united and forward-looking team of Conservative councillors who are determined to take Christchurch forward."

They were welcomed by Conservative group and council leader Cllr Alan Griffiths who said: "They are both committed to looking after local residents' interests and will make a valuable contribution to Christchurch Borough Council."

First published: November 3