RAIDERS smashed up a Dorchester florists before making off with a small amount of cash.

Thieves smashed a side window to gain entry to Best Flowers on Trinity Street in a series of attacks on businesses on the road.

During the Sunday evening attacks The Feral Cat Care charity shop, the offices of Dorchester Family Church and Rays RC Models were also broken into.

Florist owner Kathy Russell said: "The police telephoned me up to say that we had been broken into. I couldn't believe the mess I found.

"They have pulled shelves off the wall, broken the tube lighting, smashed vases and smashed a display cabinet. All my paperwork was strewn all over - it's just a complete mess. They took the float money and some other things that were in a bag, but I think they must have been disturbed.

"I am gutted. I have been running the shop for seven years - I'm just in total shock," she said.

Val Morris of the Feral Cat Care charity shop said volunteers were very upset about the break in.

"They have done a lot of damage and all they have taken is a collection box, which had very little in it."

A police spokesman said two men were arrested on suspicion of burglary after police tracker dogs were called in.

"The area was cordoned off and two men were arrested following two separate foot pursuits," said the spokesman.