WOMEN in Dorset could face longer waits for treatment after the closure of the county hospital's gynaecology ward.

West Dorset General Hospitals trust is closing Chickerell Ward at Dorset County Hospital. The ward's 23 beds will be replaced by 14 beds on another ward. The number of operations done without an overnight stay will also increase.

A hospital spokeswoman said staff on the ward are being offered redeployment to other parts of the hospital. She said there would be no redundancies.

The move is part of a series of cost-cutting measures designed to rectify an annual £3.5m overspend, which aims to get the Trust back into the black by the end of March next year.

A member of staff at the hospital, who did not wish to be named, said the ward closure was worrying for staff, who faced an uncertain future.

He said the reduction in the number of beds would mean patients might have to wait longer for a bed to become available for routine operations.

But Trust director of operations Elaine Mead said there would be no impact on waiting time for patients.

She said: "Chickerell Ward currently has 23 beds. We anticipate we only need 14 beds for gynaecology patients, which will be relocated to an area of Easton Ward. This is closer to the gynaecology theatre which will allow more privacy for patients travelling to theatre.

"Because of advances in treatments, we now do more gynaecological operations and interventions in day surgery or in an outpatient setting, so we do not need as many overnight beds for gynaecology patients.

John Lambert of the patient and public involvement forum for West Dorset General Hospitals, a group of volunteers that aims to influence the way that local healthcare is organised and delivered, said the organisation was not able to comment on the closure.

He said: "We are looking into the matter urgently and have a meeting on Friday when it is going to be discussed. We will offer our comments shortly afterwards."