CALLS for new local planning policies are being made following an investigation into the landslip at Durlston Bay, Swanage, which happened four years ago.

Fears have been raised that nearby properties risk losing value as a result of delays and wrong conclusions over the cause of the landslip at Pinecliff Walk.

A cross-party panel of Purbeck district councillors has concluded that ground water exacerbated by inadequate water surface systems was the major cause - and not coastal erosion as initially concluded.

That difference meant the loss of a coastal protection grant from the Department of Food and Rural Affairs.

The report concluded there had been a communications breakdown between council officers, councillors and experts; there had been a failure to address key issues and a delay in taking remedial action.

The report calls for new local planning policies to prevent buildings being put up near clifftops.

It states: "Consideration should (also) be given to preventing the use of soakaways within 400 metres of any cliff as we understand the situation to be in Bournemouth."

Purbeck council leader Cllr Bill Trite said: "The panel has looked at the evidence and come up with a set of recommendations which seek to ensure that the council's procedures are clarified.

"The panel's report has now been received by the council and its recommendations accepted.

"The issue is extremely complex and technical. At its heart is the precise definition of coastal erosion. There are various views about exactly what caused the landslip. For all these reasons the council set up the panel."

First published: November 3