A SHAMED DJ wept as he was jailed for three months for drug dealing offences at a seafront nightclub.

Benjamin Logue, of Poole Road, Westbourne, admitted supplying eight ecstasy tablets and attempting to supply 24 tablets of the class A drug at Bournemouth Pier's Show Bar on July 24 this year.

Prosecuting at Bournemouth Crown Court, Iain Ross said the 22-year-old, who DJs at several local clubs, had hidden the tablets in the waistband of his trousers.

"Door staff confiscated drugs from other people who indicated that a man they didn't know had supplied them in the club toilets," he said.

"They observed him making numerous visits to the toilets, which aroused more suspicion."

Later, Logue was searched for a second time and a bag containing 13 tablets found. More ecstasy tablets were recovered from his pocket.

Mr Ross told the court how Logue had confessed to a police officer he had received 30 ecstasy tablets from a man called Mac in Wareham Forest as payment for playing at a gig.

Defending, Lubeya Ramadhan said: "This is not a man who habitually deals in drugs. This was the first and only occasion. He is adamant he dealt only to friends.

"He has brought shame and embarrassment on his family, already considerable punishment, and incurred his parents' wrath."

Sentencing Logue, Recorder Michael Tennant described the offences as "very serious matters".

He added: "The court has to take a serious view of this case. These offences are so serious only a custodial sentence is appropriate."

Logue sobbed uncontrollably as he was led away to begin his prison term.

First published: November 3