RESIDENTS have had their say on a plan for sheltered housing on a controversial plot in Lilliput where a popular pub once stood.

Government inspector Jane Stiles must decide on the fate of the site of the former Beehive pub in Sandbanks Road.

Residents slammed Churchill Retirement Living's proposals for 50-flats at the planning inquiry at Poole Civic Centre.

Despite a strong resident campaign, the Beehive was torn down three years ago.

The residents mourned the loss of the 19th century pub, opposed any loss of trees and said the development was too dense and out of keeping with the area.

There was a round of applause from residents after Cedric Sansom, from Salterns Way in Parkstone, spoke, saying "heart" had been ripped out of Lilliput when the Beehive was pulled down.

He said: "You may be providing homes for 40 or 50 people but depriving hundreds, even thousands of people with a meeting place." He suggested another bar/restaurant was built there, along with flats.

Sally Carpenter, from Dorset Lake Residents' Association, said: "The planning application shows a high density development. It would constitute an intrusive and unsympathetic form of development which would be harmful to the appearance of the area."

Resident Jeremy Waters said: "Since the Beehive was pulled down, we have already lost a significant proportion of trees. The area simply can not afford to lose any more trees."

The Borough of Poole did not decide on the plan in the allotted time but the developer decided to appeal after councillors agreed they would have rejected it on the grounds it was out of keeping with the surrounding area and would affect protected trees.

The inquiry was expected to finish August 20.