TWO high-profile figures from Bournemouth's entertainment sector have been away from their jobs for three months.

The pair are Rob Zuradzki, entertainments manager at the Bournemouth International Centre, Pavilion and Pier Theatre and Tony Hardman, publicity and information officer.

Bournemouth Borough Council declined to comment on Tony Hardman's absence, but spokesman Barry Goldbart said later that Mr Zuradzki was on long-term sick leave, although he was expected to return to his post soon.

In a phone call to the Echo Tony Hardman denied he had disappeared and said that he had simply taken a period of extended leave to pursue "other options".

He said: "I've not disappeared. Everybody knows where I am.

"I'm changing my direction and trying to get more shows to come to Bournemouth.

"Tomorrow morning I'm off to the Edinburgh Festival and shall be there until Monday.

"I've also been up to London and seen shows there.

"I'm still officially working for the BIC. What I am trying to do is re-evaluate my position.

"They wanted me to have an extended leave so I could look at other options which I could possibly take up later this year with the BIC closing."

The centre's Windsor Hall is to shut for almost a year as part of an £18 million refurbishment project.

Councillors on the council's personnel board said they were unaware of the circumstances surrounding the two men's absence.

Rob Zuradzki has been the entertainments manager at the BIC since it first opened in 1984 and Tony Hardman is a well-known public figure.

It is believed that they will both be back in their jobs by the end of next month.

First published: August 21