FRAZZLED parents in Blandford trying to understand or help their troubled teenagers will soon be able to get instant advice under a new scheme being started in the town.

Relate, the national charity specialising in relationships, is launching a weekly drop-in session called Positive Parenting in the existing Treads premises in the town.

Treads is an acclaimed youth advice drop-in centre in Salisbury Street, where youngsters can go and talk to workers about problems such as housing, health and alcohol and drug addictions.

The Relate sessions will be held every Thursday between 10am and midday, and parents can either call first to make an appointment or simply turn up.

The sessions start on May 6.

Janine Farley, the project's co-ordinator at Relate, said: "Research has shown that there is a need in more rural areas for a point of contact for parents who're having problems with their children. This is a partnership between ourselves and Treads and the aim is to make parents' lives easier. We already run a scheme where we go into family's homes to offer support so this is an addition to that.

"All parents really want to know is if their children are normal."

Lead worker at Treads, Dianne Robinson, said: "We were finding that we were getting a lot more approaches from parents who were trying to deal with all sorts of issues concerning their children.

"We felt it was worth therefore trying to offer support to parents, to improve their communication skills with their children, which will have a positive knock-on effect on the whole family.

"It's all about breaking down barriers."

Parents with serious problems that cannot be dealt with during the sessions can be referred on to other support agencies.

Parents wanting to make an appointment to see a key worker should call 01258 455448.

First published: April 27