STEVE Claridge wants to put revelations about his Terras contract behind him.

The Weymouth player-boss stopped talking to the Dorset Echo last week after we printed details of his Wessex Stadium salary.

Claridge was furious after it was revealed he could earn more than £100,000 this season and responded by banning all club players and backroom staff from talking to the paper.

But the former Millwall star has now broken his silence and told how he dipped into his own pocket to pay for training equipment this season.

He said: "It's fair to say that I've been disappointed by some of the recent events regarding my contract and the way it has been handled.

"The information should have remained private and I'm very disappointed that someone took it upon themselves to leak it to the Press. I was unhappy that it was splashed all over the paper and I wanted to make a point about that.

"But I feel I've done that now and I hope everyone can move on and work together for the good of Weymouth Football Club.

"The headlines centred on a £100,000 figure but the truth of the matter is that my earnings over the last year have been £67,000 as the accounts later this year will show.

"What should also be remembered is that I brought a new sponsor, worth £20,000, to the club and I've also paid for £5,000 worth of kit and equipment out of my own pocket.

"There have also been a few other bits and bobs that I have paid for meaning that in total I have cost the club £42,000 this season.

"Before joining Weymouth I was offered a guaranteed £200,000 salary to stay at Millwall. I could have been playing in an FA Cup Final this season with them meaning that figure could have been even more.

"But despite that, I have had no regrets about turning them down to join Weymouth.

"That's because the response from people in the town has been unbelievable - it has actually surpassed the expectations I had when I joined the club back in the summer.

"I have had a number of bigger and better offers to leave Weymouth this season but at no time have I been tempted to leave.

"I'm committed to Weymouth and want to be a part of our exciting future.

"Once people know the facts, as they do now, they can obviously form their own judgements on my earnings.

"The paying public are entitled to their views and I hope they feel I have been value for money this season."

Claridge, who received a huge vote of confidence from fans in a follow-up story published by the Dorset Echo last Tuesday, said he would not be distracted from playing matters at the Dr Martens Premier Division club.

He said: "What leaves me a bit uncomfortable about this whole saga is that I feel my contract has been used for political reasons.

"My job is to concentrate on the footballing side of the club - if people want to question my team selections or signings that's fine.

"But the politics of the club are nothing to do with me and I hope it will stay that way.

"Hopefully everyone will now put this behind us and we can move on and start building for what promises to be an exciting season next year."