FILM producers of an "Army Wives" type of television drama have said elements of the controversial "Mucky Major" Army sex case, which took place in Dorset, may be included in the programme.

There had been rumours that Shed Productions, the company that makes Footballers' Wives and Bad Girls, was to film a television drama based on the affair in Bovington between King's Royal Hussars Major Alastair Ross and Warrant Officer Angela McConnell, who lives in West Lulworth.

Mrs McConnell lost her tribunal case against the Army after claiming she was discriminated against by her commanding officers when her affair with the major came to light.

The 41-year-old told the tribunal in Southampton that Major Ross boasted of bedding two Army clerks, a female staff sergeant, a cadet, his wife's best friend and a group of air hostesses.

The major was allowed to resign on full pension while she was demoted to corporal.

A spokesman from the film company said: "Yes, we are making a seven-and-a-half-hour drama - a no-holds-barred look at the life of the British Army both and off the parade ground.

"But no, it won't be based solely on the case of Major Ross, although some elements of the story may inspire our production. It will be more of a series of Army stories that have inspired what we're filming."

It is believed that Footballers' Wives actress Zoe Lucker, who plays Tanya Turner in the hit show, is the producers' favourite to star in the drama.

Called Bombshell, filming is expected to start in August.

Tiania Stevens, a former Daily Echo reporter who claims she was also on the receiving end of the major's advances, said: "He doesn't deserve the attention of having a series made about him, even if it is just loosely based on his case.

"It legitimises what he did. He got away very lightly compared with Angela."

First published: April 27