QUIETLY hidden among the rolling hills of Purbeck is a unique and important archaeological landscape.

A report just published by English Heritage reveals the extent of earthworks, medieval field patterns and trackways at Corfe Common, near Corfe Castle.

The area has attracted the interest of antiquarians for centuries because of its eight Bronze Age barrows (burial mounds).

English Heritage's latest research has revealed another two barrows on East Common and identified other features showing how the land has been used for farming over the centuries.

An impressive prehistoric or Romano-British field system known as 'Celtic fields' were identified on the southern flank of the common.

And a series of parallel cuttings have been confirmed as trackways where carts loaded with stone were pulled up from quarries at Kingston to Corfe Castle.

National Trust archaeologist Nancy Grace, based at Corfe Castle, said: "A lot of it was hidden under gorse and scrub so it was not very clear how it all fitted together - until now."

She also said: "It's brilliant - it is nice to see how they relate to each other and how the landscape has overtaken and people have used it over time."

The barrows indicate high-status burials and their position on hill tops made them useful landscape markers in an era when there were no compasses or maps.

Iron Age field systems were also known in the area but the survey has uncovered indepth details showing how everything fits together.

A long bank of earth has been confirmed as part of a mediaeval enclosure and the trackways appear to lead through the Halves in the village and not West Street as previously believed.

West Street is traditionally known for its Purbeck stone and marble industry.

In a disused sand quarry on West Common archaeologists have found a Mesolithic axe and several small flints.

English Heritage has confirmed the site represents what is becoming an increasingly rare combination of prehistoric and later earthworks preserved more or less intact.

Corfe Common is an SSSI used as rough grazing and is a public open space.