BRIDPORT is to be the location for the Somerset and Dorset Family History Society's AGM and members' study weekend.

The society's West Dorset group is organising the event, which takes place on September 12 to 14.

It begins with an evening reception at Bridport Museum next Friday and will include the AGM and study sessions at the Sir John Colfox School next Saturday, a dinner in the evening at Highlands End, Eype, presentations in Bridport Town Hall on the Sunday and walks led by Cecil Amor and Elizabeth Gale.

Speakers include: Colin Pooley, from Lancaster University, on migrations and movement in Britain; David Hey, from the University of Sheffield, on family names and local history; Bernard Amps from the federation of family history societies, and Adrian Johnson on onsite and offsite services of the National Archives.

There will also be displays and representatives from service providers, family history societies and other groups.

For more details contact the West Dorset Research Centre on 01308 458061 or e-mail