Dorchester fundraisers handed over an amazing £5,000 towards a special unit for severely disabled children.

The League of Friends of the Dorchester Hospitals managed to raise the money by selling confectionery, newspapers and stationery around the wards at Dorset County Hospital.

The money will go towards a £30,000 project to create a sensory room at Digby Court, which cares for youngsters suffering from multiple disabilities.

Coloured lights, a sound system, lots of items with different textures and a projector will be installed at the unit in Edward Road to provide stimulation for children with learning difficulties and physical disabilities.

Nurse Jackie Rose said: "We are planning something along the lines of what Mountjoy School in Bridport has.

"It will be within the existing playroom area, but it needs to be walled off to help them to concentrate without the phone ringing or the doorbell going. We may also have a dark room with ultraviolet light.

"We have eight beds here, three for residential use and five for respite care, and we have about 20 children - mostly from South and West Dorset - who come here regularly. All of them have severe learning difficulties which means it is difficult for them to communicate and it would be easy to just leave them with the TV or radio, but the sensory equipment really gives them different experiences."

The league of friends took over the trolleys from the WRVS last year, acquiring a £5,000 profit. They have transformed the shop at the county hospital and expanded the range of items they sell to patients and visitors.

Treasurer Roy Fry said: "The respite beds at Digby Court are so badly needed that demand exceeds supply and the parents depend on this service.

"We are still fundraising for the sensory room, which will provide a relaxing area for the children."

To make a donation, send a cheque made out to the League of Friends of Dorchester Hospitals, Dorset County Hospital, Williams Avenue, Dorchester, DT1 2JY.