A COMMUNITY bank is celebrating a deposit worth nearly £5,000.

The Weymouth Budd Bank set up to tackle social exclusion, promote community links and bring people closer together will be using the cash to promote its work at an open day in March.

The £4,625 grant was received through the National Lottery's Awards for All programme, a fund which supports small community groups.

Launched last year, the Budd Bank operates as a time bank where members exchange skills and goods.

Similar community banks have been set up around the country and the Budd Bank - named after Weymouth greengrocer James Budd who launched his own money in 1666 - was launched last year.

Since then the membership and the range of skills has grown enormously and the Budd Bank has moved into new offices in the Colwell Centre.

Project co-ordinator Jo Robinson said: "We are really thrilled and excited to get this award as we have worked very hard to develop the project.

"For a group like ours this is a large sum of money and it will allow us to continue engaging more people in activities that benefit their lives and their local community."

She added: "Now we've got the money it's time for the real work to start.

"We are aiming towards holding the open day in March 2003.

"Invitations will be extended to residents of Weymouth and Portland, local community organisations and statutory and voluntary bodies to come along and find out how they can use the resources and skills that they have to their full potential."

Mrs Robinson said the open day would include speeches and workshops and there would be plenty of opportunities for groups and individuals to find out more about the work of the Budd Bank. She added: "The Budd Bank is all about giving and receiving."

For information visit unit 52 at the Colwell Centre, School Street in Weymouth, or phone (01305) 759443 or email budds@buddbank.freeserve.co.uk