ONE prize has led to another for video artist Lizzie Sykes.

Lizzie, 33, who works from her harbourside home at Stanpit was awarded the £100 Lady Waterford prize for her video Slice in the Contours open art exhibition at Highcliffe Castle.

Filmed in Northumbria over the last Christmas and new year holiday, Slice was made as part of Lizzie's prize from the ArtSway gallery at Sway for her previous video Outside Close shot at Christ-church Harbour and shown at Highcliffe Castle last year.

Slice features two films shown simultaneously on separate television screens to capture two locations on the Northumbrian coast and a close-up road movie - filmed by Lizzie hanging out of her moving van - to give an abstract, textured image of the journey between them.

She said: "It couldn't have been more of a contrast to the calm of Christchurch Harbour. The locations are windswept and treacherous.

"I am delighted my video was chosen for the prize in front of more traditional art."

Lizzie, who works as a video artist and helps run an animation charity has been making art videos since graduating in 1993. "Then video wasn't even a genre, but now every exhibition has video in it," she said.