A MUSICAL group is challenging that old showbiz adage - never work with animals or children.

The search is on for a dog star to complete the cast of a new Cole Porter production at the Pavilion Theatre.

Weymouth Operatic Society is holding canine auditions for the part of Cheeky the Dog in Anything Goes, where the villain of the piece uses clippings from the animal's coat as a false beard.

The group's press and publicity officer, John Mullins, said: "Cheeky will not really have his coat trimmed on stage, but we need to find a dog who is a little bit hairy, just to make it a bit realistic.

"It should also be well-behaved, good-natured, quite cute and the size of a lap-dog, as it will be carried on stage at all times.

"We are looking for breeds like a small King Charles spaniel, a Pekinese or Chihuahua, that can sit and look pretty without feeling the urge to sing along.

"It has to be available for the audition, for rehearsals a couple of weeks before the show and five performances over four days.

"It will be on the stage for a total of 20 minutes, and every time it comes off, we will hand it straight back to the owner.

"We are a charity, so there will be no actor's fee as such, but we do hope to give the dog a private dressing room."

Mr Mullins said he was not worried about working with live animals on stage.

He added: "At least we are not working with children as well - our youngest performer is about 18.

"But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there are no little accidents."

The Echo recently published a picture of Cara Hallioran posing with a pooch as part of its carnival coverage, and Mr Mullins said her dog would be the ideal candidate for the job.

He added: "If Cara or any other dog owner is able to help, please contact me on (01305) 777871."

Anything Goes will be at Weymouth Pavilion from Wednesday, September 25-28, and tickets cost £8.50/£7.50 (concessions £6.50).