BUDDING pantomime actors and actresses will be able to tread the boards with an invitation to join a community theatre group.

The Royal Manor Theatre Company, which is a registered charity, is looking for new faces to take to the stage as well as people to help make costumes, build sets and do make-up.

The company, which was started in the 1930s, is based at the Royal Manor Theatre - a converted Methodist chapel - in Fortuneswell on Portland and the company put on two plays and a pantomime a year.

Margaret Reay, who has been a member of the company for nearly 30 years, said: "Just like other charities we are struggling to keep the company alive and active.

"Because the theatre is an old building we have to keep doing repair work and keep it up to scratch, so although we have around 40 members we have quite a small nucleus of actors while others are involved in other aspects of the theatre."

In a bid to recruit new members for this year's Christmas pantomime, Dick Whittington, a special meeting is being held at the theatre hall on Sunday, September 8, at 2.30pm.

Mrs Reay, who lives with her husband John in Wakeham, said: "We would love some new blood and we are looking for people of all ages to come along."

She said the company includes a group of youngsters aged from nine to 16 years old called the Playmakers and the rest of the company is made up of people aged from 17 to their 70s.

Anyone interested in becoming part of the group but can't make the meeting can contact Mrs Reay on (01305) 820576.