SIX tired employees went back to work this morning after a 12-hour tennis tournament at the weekend.

John Gillie, Adam Clarke, Kev Boyland, Paul Welch, Steve Brereton and Richard Lewis, who all work at Tecan in Weymouth, took to the courts to raise money for Sport Relief.

John said: "I was watching Sport Relief on the TV and thought I really should do something for it. I always say I'm going to do stuff but never actually get round to it, so I was determined this time.

"I roped in five others from Tecan and we raised around £700 - which was a pleasant surprise - which included about £40 in a bucket on the day.

"We did it from 8am to 8pm and it was a real struggle towards the end. It got far too serious at one point, even wearing grass skirts, bras and wigs!

"We're still shuffling around, we ache from head to toe but apart from that we're fine! It feels quite good now, looking back, it was a good day.

"We generally play once a week with whoever from work is available, but our racquets are now in the skip."

John wanted to thank Landscape and Gardening Maintenance Limited which donated the court at Greenhill for the day and all their other sponsors.