THE distraught mother of missing schoolgirl Jennifer Gibbs today appealed for information on the whereabouts of her daughter.

Jennifer, 15, was last seen on Wednesday, August 28 when she left her home at Weston Street on Portland to go shopping in Weymouth town centre.

Her mum Jane Gibbs, 43, said she and partner Pete Nixon, 43, feared for the safety of the Royal Manor Arts College pupil.

The mum-of-two said: "We are very worried, as it has been six days since we last heard from her, and I would like to know she is safe and well.

"Jennifer, if you read this, please get in touch with your family, or the police, so we know you are well.

"If anyone else knows where Jennifer is, can they please get in touch with the police straight away, to put our minds at rest."

Jennifer is five feet five inches tall, of slim build with short brown hair.

She left home wearing a casual turquoise top and black trousers.

Mrs Gibbs added: "Jennifer had no worries and we were laughing and joking when she went out.

"I am due to get married on Saturday, September 14, and she was looking forward to being my bridesmaid. But her disappearance has put a black cloud over everything.

"I am worried for her safety, and her younger sister Rebecca, 12, is very distressed about her disappearance.

"I am absolutely shattered, and have been out searching for her myself because I cannot bear to sit at home.

"It is not the first time she has done this."

Police asked anyone with information to ring Weymouth West police station on (01305) 767474 or call the free anonymous Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.