BUSINESS Link Wessex has been working with the BusinessXchange network to help owners and managers solve business problems, share ideas and capitalise on joint venture opportunities.

The Link's David Buck and his team of five network brokers have been working with 65 companies within the Business-Xchange, from sole traders to companies employing 50 or more.

At present there are five local area networks under the umbrella of the BusinessXchange network.

They are working together to harness the potential of collaborative business ventures such as the network buying club EZOKA, where members can access preferential rates for products and services.

BusinessXchange project manager Anthony Felstead said: "The group creates a platform upon which members can access information, knowledge and skills to power up their businesses in a low-risk, cost-effective way.

"When one of our small businesses had a large outstanding debt from a multinational company, he talked through his query at an exchange meeting and the same day had received a six-point plan on how to handle debtors from someone who had had the same problem."