IT WAS a night to remember for 16-year-old Weymouth student Brian Legg after he scooped a £1,000 cash prize.

Brian, of Clarence Road, came home from enjoying the spectacular fireworks display in the bay this week to find that he had won the money after he entered a summer prize draw and answered two questions correctly.

Brian has become the fourth person of the summer to win the competition organised by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council's tourism department with the support of the Dorset Echo and town centre stores.

After entering the three previous contests, Brian, who is about to start sixth form at Budmouth Technology College at the beginning of September, said he couldn't believe his luck.

He said: "I can't believe I have won £1,000. When I was at the fireworks I thought I heard my name when they announced the winner.

"I got home that night and found out that someone from the council had phoned to tell me I had won the money."

He added: "I was going to have to get a part-time job but now I don't have to."

Brian, who lives with his mum Lin, dad Sid and brother Kenny, had to answer a question about WH Smith stationery products and a question about make-up to scoop the cash.

The cash prize draw took place at Alexandra Gardens on Monday evening before the grand fireworks display.

The last fireworks display and cash draw of the summer season will take place on Bank Holiday Monday, August 27.