NO LONGER will they have to go cross-legged through the winter or do without a cup of tea or orange squash because there is no running water.

No longer will their leaders live in fear of being closed down at any minute on public health grounds because of the woefully inadequate state of their meeting place.

Now the Guides, Brownies and Rainbows of Verwood can look the Scouts in the eye as their £125,000 headquarters is as good as - if not better than - the one used by their brothers next door.

Paddy Reeks issued the challenge to rebuild the dilapidated disgrace over six years ago.

Sadly, the much-loved district commissioner died before seeing her dream come true.

But her name lives on as the new hut has been named after her.

The girls and their friends responded magnificently to her call, working hard to raise the cash with duck races, craft fairs and auctions.

The Rotary Club, Carnival Committee and Verwood Concert Brass were among many faithful supporters.

A major grant from the Talbot Village Trust and considerable sums from the district and town councils made it possible.

Friends of Verwood Guides spokeswoman Mary Insull said: "Everyone has kept so involved. The whole feel of it has been community support."

She is confident Guiding is a thoroughly worthwhile project.

"We're training tomorrow's parents," she said. "Although they have fun with camping and things it's still the bottom line to do things for others - that's the background to a lot of the badge work.

"And although we were fund-raising for so long, the unit never stopped doing fund-raising for other charities."

Verwood Concert Brass - which played The Battle of Jericho when the old hut came down - will play Bob the Builder when Paddy's husband Ray officially opens the hut next month.

Mary regrets that Paddy will not be there.

"She should have been there to see it. She's greatly missed," said Mary.

"She was a wonderful personality - there was so much strength there."