A RISING young football star has lost his driving licence after speeding at 100 mph.

Milan Parodi, 17, of Talbot Avenue, Bournemouth, pleaded guilty before Blandford magistrates.

Prosecutor Peter Tewksbury told the court Parodi had driven at 30 mph above the speed limit on the Puddletown bypass on March 29.

He already had three points on his licence for speeding.

Defending, William Hazelton said Parodi, who played for the Dorset under-18s, under-19s and under-21s, had been returning from a football match.

He worked for his father - ex-Cherries fullback Les Parodi - in the family signage and promotions company.

Mr Hazelton said: "There's no suggestion of him being a danger to anyone else but he shouldn't have been doing it - he's learned his lesson."

Parodi's licence was endorsed with five more penalty points.

He was also fined £100 and ordered to pay £55 costs.