FIREFIGHTERS at Poole are objecting to being moved out of the town centre to a brand new fire station on the outskirts.

And they have warned if the new fire station goes ahead then the Hamworthy station's days are numbered.

"I believe I can guarantee within five years Hamworthy fire station will close," said Martin Reed, Poole branch secretary of the FBU.

Opposing the fire authority's plans, he urged Poole planners to reject an application for a new station at Marshes End, Creekmoor, adjoining the park-and-ride.

This is part of a multi-million-pound proposal to build a new command centre for fire and police at the Wimborne Road site.

He said the new station was too small for all their vehicles and was really two stations, one behind the other.

"It's dangerous, unworkable, inefficient and a poor design," he said.

He said it was in the wrong place, needing to be in the town centre where the population was due to increase by a further 6,000.

Access roads were not as good, an accident on the Holes Bay Road could block fire crew in and there was no access by anything other than car, he said.

Poole station manager Keith Barnes said Poole fire station had an average 3.75 calls a day and modern houses with fire alarms were far less of a risk than 1970s houses on Canford Heath.

He said the new site gave good road access to the rest of the county and Poole provided the foam service for Dorset.

With the threat of terrorism he said it was better for fire crews to be in a low-risk, rather than high-risk area such as a town centre.

"The main modern role of a fire station is to get out into our community," he said, fitting smoke alarms and visiting schools.

Cllr Phil Eades said: "I have huge concerns about this being the only station in Poole."

Cllr Mrs Ann Stribley pointed out that future operational matters were a concern for the fire authority and not of Poole's planning committee.

Concerns were raised about the Holes Bay roundabout, the speed of traffic, the need for warning signs and a cut in the 70mph speed limit.

Members approved this application and another for a temporary fire station nearby, for use while the permanent one is built. Both applications will now go to the Office of the Deputy PM.

First published: August 26