THREE youths have been blamed for starting a fire in a derelict building on Portland.

The youths were seen running from the back of the house at Weston yesterday.

Firefighters were alerted to the blaze near the junction of Weston Road and Weston Street just before 6pm.

Dorset Fire and Rescue Service said a small fire had been started in a room on the ground floor of the property, with other small pockets of fire around the building.

Two retained crews from Portland fought the blaze using hoses.

Initial reports suggested there could have been someone in the building at the time of the fire but it was later discovered the building was empty.

The house is boarded up and the garden is overflowing with weeds and broken doors.

Portland Fire Station crew manager Bob Terrey said: “We believe it was kids messing around.

“We don’t think there was any malicious intention to torch the whole building.”

He added: “We want to warn people that this building and the floors are not safe to be in.

“There is wood with nails on inside the building, the ceiling is hanging down and there are unstable floors.”

A police spokesman said: “We received a report to say a group of youths were seen running from the building and then reports of a fire.

“We are appealing for witnesses to contact us on 01305 222222.”