A POPULAR bird will be wished a happy birthday tomorrow.

The whole idea sounds quackers but it’s actually an affectionate gesture from staff at the RSPB Weymouth Wetlands reserve at Radipole Lake.

A rare hooded merganser duck arrived at the reserve out of the blue two years ago and has been turning heads ever since.

A native of North America, it is thought the bird – which staff have named Hoody – was blown badly off course in a ferocious storm or escaped from a private wildfowl collection.

Either way he is now a permanent resident at the reserve and his striking plumage and quirky courting displays have made him somewhat of a local celebrity.

To celebrate his two years at Radipole, staff and volunteers are throwing a party and are inviting people to join them.

Information officer Luke Phillips said: “This celebration is particularly special as we thought we’d lost Hoody a few months ago.

“He went missing for about four weeks and we were very relieved when he decided to come home.”

Unfortunately, the birthday boy won’t be in his Sunday best for the big occasion as he has entered what is known as the ‘eclipse’ phase and lost his full breeding plumage.

“But he’s still a very handsome chap,” Luke added.

Reserve manager Nick Tomlinson said there was some concern when Hoody went missing, prompting many enthusiasts to ask after him.

He is thought to have fled to Poole but was back in Weymouth within a month, as Nick says: “He obviously prefers the west of Dorset.”

He added: “I wouldn’t say he’s our most asked-for bird but a lot of people do want to see him. Visitors who come back time and time again always ask about him.

“Hoody is usually to be found near the bridge next to the visitor centre.”

Cake and soft drinks will be served at the party tomorrow.

For more information call the Radipole Lake visitor centre in the Swannery car park on 01305 778313.