MAY I offer a comment on this nonsensical political correctness now invading every part of our lives in this once green and pleasant land.

I have just come from our splendid local chemist shop here in Preston, but my journey was useless due to the fact that the staff couldn’t sell anything because of the absence of the resident pharmacist. I couldn’t even purchase some safety pins, which were required as an emergency! I find this to be absolutely ridiculous, and the normally busy ladies at the branch seemed out of place just sitting around twiddling their proverbial thumbs.

I am quite aware that our pharmacists are extremely important cogs in the health wheel, particularly in connection with the supply of drugs and certain medicines, but does one have to be present for straight forward sales of recognised commodities which can be obtained elsewhere?

Whoever is responsible for this ridiculous ruling should be placed in the care of the finest brain surgeon in the country for long term supervision, meanwhile perhaps our politicians could get off their fat backsides, have a look at the whole range of activities in which political correctness demands attention, and then boot the whole cursed lot in to touch.

Roll on Armageddon.

Brian Searle, Overcombe Drive, Preston, Weymouth