Do you have an idea for a project that will benefit Littlemoor, even merely a germ of an idea that might make all the difference to the people in this area but you don’t know how to get it to work?

Then UnLtd, who are part of the consortium chosen to run the Big Local Trust, run a scheme called Star People and they may be able to help with cash and support for individuals with such ideas.

On Wednesday 2nd November at the Café at St Francis Church between 1pm and 7pm., Big Local representative Annabel Sampson will be holding an informal drop in to discuss your ideas, help with planning and support , assist you with the application forms and get you on your way to making a difference to Littlemoor.

Whatever your idea, big or small do go along, you have nothing to lose and maybe a great deal to gain.

After the success of the previous one, another Jumble sale is coming up on 19th November.

If you have any jumble you would like to contribute please ring the community hall on 836398 and leave a message with your phone number and someone will call back to arrange collection.