I have today seen an artist’s impression of the new Jurassic stone layout which is to adorn the pond on the Weymouth Relief Road.

I have been wondering what all the earth movement was about on the roundabout and now I know.

I have seen the large stones sitting there, and they certainly look nice, and I am sure will be very decorative.

However, my personal opinion, (as we have been asked to have our say), is that stuck up on poles, they look rather like a small wind farm, which not many people like.

I suppose the reason they are on poles, is because if they were around the edge of the pond, which I think would look better, they would not be seen.

If that is the case, we will not be able to see the pond either.

My suggestion would be to lower the level of the surrounding land, and lay the stones around the edge of the pond. Without any information board on the site, saying what the significance of these stones is, nobody will appreciate where they have come from and when you are passing in a car or bus, you don’t have time to read it anyway.

Brian Hutchings Newstead Road Weymouth