The half term treasure hunt proved a very successful day with over seventy people, both young and old turning up to take part.

And those who did spend the day hunting the ‘treasure’ were very enthusiastic in their praises of the event. Two young boys, having completed the hunt returned at the end to show their appreciation by asking if they could help clearing up. A warm thank you goes out to these two boys from the organisers.

The consensus of opinion of the adults who were there supervising their young said that Littlemoor could do with more events like this one and the craft group that was held at the church the previous day.

One cheery competitor said that it was great because it made her appreciate the great open spaces we have around us. We are, she said, lucky to be so close to both the sea and the countryside and fun events like this help us build a better community.

The organisers too voiced their enthusiasm at the amount of people who turned up to have some fun.

It seems that a particular place can go unnoticed for years and then suddenly it comes to everyone’s attention several times in a very short space of time.

I’m talking about Lines Field, the large area of grass that lies opposite Primula Close in Louviers Road. Only two weeks ago I wrote that planning permission was being sought for 100 new homes on this land much to the dismay of the occupants of the houses opposite.

No doubt the recent work done in this field by the Water Board hasn’t gone unnoticed and last week they finally filled in all the trenches and removed the Portakabins.

A concerned resident told me the lower part of this field where the compound had been situated is strewn with debris. The drainage ditch was littered with paper towels, plastic bottles and bits of pipe were around the edges of the recently replaced soil.

She was, she said, disgusted that the workmen had left so much rubbish behind and wondered if they could not be bought to book for littering the countryside?

Maybe they could, but it would be nicer instead if they sent someone back to do a proper job of clearing up after themselves.