I have read G Kirby’s letter in last Friday’s Echo and feel compelled to reply.

There is no denying that many of the crimes of our forebears are correctly related and it is not something that we can be proud of.

But it would seem that his education may be lacking a little as he has forgotten to mention all those who have made such a great impression in the world about them in the name of Christianity.

Elizabeth Fry brought about the change of the way the prisons were run, making them more humane. Dr Barnardo and the homes he set up for children. The Church of England Children's Society for the waifs and strays of the east end of London, the abolition of slavery, the outstanding work of the Salvation Army, the list goes on, all done in the name of Christianity.

These are the national, and well known, forces for the benefit of many disadvantaged people. There are also many smaller teams that provide comfort and solace in their own locality, all done in the name of their Christian beliefs of love and helping their neighbour.

They may not go to a church, but still call themselves Christians It is their inherent love of their fellow beings that guides them to help. I have no doubt whatsoever that Christianity will never shrink into a powerless minority.

They said that when Jesus was crucified, and look what happened. Christianity has survived more than its present setback, and will last for another two thousand years.

Long after the non-believers have found out the error of their ways.

Duncan Wilson, Retired non-stipendiary minister (Church of England), Alexandra Court, Bridport