Several people have commented on the demise of our once elegant town.

I totally agree. Our councillors in their so-called wisdom are spending millions on the Olym-pics while our town centre is becoming a squalid mish-mash of charity shops and estate agents.

The latest waste of ratepayers’ money is that yet again the bridge is being overhauled, and for what?

So one yachtie can disrupt the entire population sailing through at whatever time of day he wants?

The second waste is the planting of what can loosely be called plants on the Kamikaze lights at Asda and other junctions.

They looked half dead when planted and the use of loose wood bark means that when dry it will be blown everywhere.

The last death knell was six free parking spaces on the harbourside being taken.

More seating in the area leads to people with prams being forced into oncoming traffic.

Let’s have somebody with a zest to bring Weymouth back to life.

T Griffiths, Stoke Road, Wyke Regis