FROM Beyonce to Bugsy Malone, Westfield students had it wrapped up.

Youngsters from Westfield Arts College had the wow factor as they entertained at their spring talent showcase, Westfield Unwrapped.

A talent showcase is being performed almost every term now at the Weymouth special school and it just gets better and better.

Westfield Unwrapped featured an array of songs from shows like Annie and Grease and modern pop tunes by Beyonce and Jessie J.

There was also comedy, dance and drama, live mixing from a DJ in the show, performed for an audience in the school sports hall. The Master of Ceremonies was student Joe Allen.

Head of performing arts at Westfield David James said it was a great success “because of the usual sense of Westfield students all working together and supporting each other”.

He said: “The show is for anyone who wanted to be involved and there was so much talent, it was great.

“Students performed their own material plus their favourite songs, dance routines and drama pieces.

“They were helped in putting it together by staff, some of whom joined in with some solos and in a singing group.”

Mr James added: “Everyone involved achieved their personal best, they really were on form.

“The audience loved it.

“They were clapping and cheering and rocking with laughter to the history of comedy sketch by the key stage four drama group which ended with pies being thrown in people’s faces. There was a really lively performance from one singer, Beth Woodsford, who jumped off the stage and got into the audience.

“The audience also joined in the dancing, it was a great night.”

Mr James said plans were already in hand for next term’s show which will be performed somewhere in the community.

He added: “We’ve done a few shows now and the students are really very confident now. For most of them performing it was their fourth or fifth show in two years.”